One of our services is Zanjan Customs Clearance. In this article, we will describe about Zanjan Province and it economic status. Then, we will introduce the goods which specifically clear from this customs.
Zanjan Province Status
Zanjan is located in the northwestern of Iran. In Zanjan Province, there are various handicrafts such as carving on wood, knives, jewelry, leather artifacts. Carpet weaving is one of the common arts in this province.
Custom Clearance
Zanjan has a customs office in which the postal carriers and TIR carnet of origin and destination can be carried out. Also, this customs is responsible for passengers affairs and export and import definitively and temporary. Moreover, it has an independent judiciary which in case of any problem such as smuggling of the goods, can file a lawsuit and send it to the court.
Specific goods for Clearance from Zanjan Customs
Some of the customs clear some goods specifically to expedite the clearance process. Therefore, you can save your money and time. Zanjan Customs Clears different kinds of cars specifically.
The Procedure of Customs Clearance
In order to clear the customs, you must go through to some procedures. First of all, you must pay all the customs duties and taxes according to issued circulars. Second, in order to clear customs, you must receive the receipt of bills. Due to receive the receipt of bills, the documents of granting the goods must be sent from the seller to the buyer.
Required Documents for Zanjan Customs Clearance
In order to clear the customs, you need to set up a statement and present some documents to the customs. Some of the required documents are mentioned in below:
It should be noted that for the clearance of goods only the owner of the goods holding a business card or a clearing agent can take action.
Soltan Tejarat Bazargan Clearance Company
Siltan Tejarat Bazargan Clearance Company with seventy years of experience in the clearance of goods and use of skilled qualified experts, is ready to provide all the services needed to clear the customs. Some of our services including: order registration, purchasing goods, transportation services, obtaining necessary licenses, keep tracking of bank documents and …. Meanwhile, due to cyclical changes in the circulars, you need to consult with a skilled person. For more information regarding Zanjan Customs Clearance, you can contact our experts for free. Tel: 021228555902- 09121995406